Offer a better user experience, true convergence, email integration, and additional business value with NextGen Voicemail.
Did you know that on average, 20 to 60% of incoming calls are unanswered?When your customers know the direct numbers (fix or mobile) of your employees, their voicemail becomes part of their customer journey.
While every call represents a chance to capture a commercial opportunity or unsolved problem, standard voicemail systems are considered a burden for the users, an annoyance for callers, and a blind spot in your customer interactions.

For the user, it provides voicemail to email functionality, and offers additional smart features on top of a predefined, professional greeting: give your callers to option to flag a message as urgent, inform them of your absence and provide the option to transfer your messages to a backup while being out-of-office.

Combining SMS and email notifications, you will never miss a voicemail again!
On top of that, the urgency notification and voicemail transcript offer additional convenience. Users can even store contacts, and specify the preferred greeting and greeting language, and providing the caller’s name in the email & SMS notifications.

The NextGen Voicemail can be tweaked and customized per account, with specific standard messages, jingles or temporary announcements on the fix & mobile voicemail of all your employees, supporting your commercial and employer brand.
The NextGen Voicemail is compatible with most PABX systems, such as MS Teams, Proximus Forum, Call Connect and other solutions, and offers a visual interface supporting configuration by individual users, with advanced greeting options.

Proximus NextGen Voicemail is a business oriented converged voicemail service, that is customized on account level (minimum 10 users). It supports one mobile and one fixed number per user, for a fixed user fee, including email & SMS notifications, recording and voicemail transcript.
Proximus NextGen Voicemail works best with Proximus fix and mobile subscriptions, but up to 10% non-Proximus users are accepted within a corporate account. Interested?