Answer frequently asked questions, send information via SMS or WhatsApp, can handle callback requests, as well as structure voicemail messages for easier follow-up with the Proximus’ NextGen voicemail.
The Proximus NextGen voice service can gather or provide information via phone 24/7, but can also be used as advanced personal voicemail solution, or conversational IVR or voice bot.
Provide multilingual information via audio or speech, managed via a simple web interface
You can easily provide information to your callers in Dutch, French, English, or German. NextGen voicemail converts your written text to audio, and plays it back to the caller. You can present the callers with an option menu via DTMF (for …, press 1, …) or give speech suggestions and listen to what the caller said.
Send information to your caller via SMS, WhatsApp, or email
Instead of trying to pass long texts such as urls, email addresses, opening hours, … via speech, NextGen voicemail can easily send a text message to the caller. When integrated with #Interact, or an external CRM system or database, NextGen voicemail can even send email messages to the caller.

NextGen voicemail integrates with popular messaging services, such as the Ring Ring or SMS service, as well as WhatsApp via the Meta cloud, or Telesign API.
Handle callback requests and structure voicemail messages
Define your own email templates, and deliver voicemails or callback requests to any email address, including MS Teams Channels. As voicemails can be automatically transcribed, they can be automatically processed, and users don’t need to listen to them in order to process them further.

Instead of recording a single message, you can even record a structured conversation, guiding the caller through multiple questions, and record respective answers into a single recording (with transcript). Easily gather customer surveys, automate trouble ticket intake, or create a ‘speech form’, as if it were a form on your website.
Looking for a tool to manage callback, voicemail, or other communciation requests? NextGen voicemail natively integraties with #Interact, an omnichannel conversation orchestrator, that can easily queue, route and report on callback or voicemail requests.
Compatible with almost any Belgian phone number
You can forward calls from any Belgian landline, or Proximus mobile number to the NextGen voice service. The NextGen voice service also integrates with Proximus’ marketing numbers (078/0800), as well as Proximus voice managed services. It is compatible with any PBX/Call control, such as MS Teams, Call Connect, the Proximus’ Forum range, … as well as private SIP trunks.