Guard duty solution for incoming voice and SMS, with email reports

As one of our standard managed offers on our NextGen voice solution, we’ve built a simple guard duty solution, which allows you to activate or plan one of a predefined list of guards, to which we can forward calls or incoming SMSes. Additionally, an email can be sent for every incoming call/sms/configuration change.

Alarm number with 24/7 reliability

Using a highly reliable 078 or 0800 phone number, running on a similar platform as the public emergency services, we can make sure no call gets lost, forwarding the call to the active guard duty at any time.

For every incoming call, an optional email message with the call details can be sent to the guard, as well as an additional, predefined destination. Optional reports are also available.

Forward SMS messages to the active guard

Being directly connected on the Proximus network, we can intercept incoming SMSes on any Proximus number, and forward it to the active guard. Take into account that SMSes cannot offer the same guarantee as phone calls, as they are being sent asynchronously. This means SMS messages can get delayed, and eventually lost, or silently suppressed by other operators. Luckily, most of the time, they do the job.

Manage the active guards via phone

When calling your alarm number with a hidden menu and pin code, or from predefined numbers, you can immediately access the configuration menu.

Easily switch the active guard on the spot, or schedule the next guard, and define a switch-over moment. You can select someone from a predefined list, making use of simple DTMF-menus, or by simply saying his/her name, using speech recognition. Input the year, month, day and hour of the switch-over moment, and we will make sure to use the next guard from that moment on.

Web-interface to manage the guard list

Using the standard NextGen voice interface, customers can easily redefine a list of eligible guards, with their name, number, and email address, as well as list of phone numbers that have access to the configuration flow.

More information? Don’t hesitate to contact us