Current Proximus MyThings customers can now access the MyThings APIs through the Proximus EnCo platform. This service is currently launched in beta, and is expected to reach full production level within a month.
The MyThings APIs allow users to create, register and access data from their LoRa devices using the Proximus LoRaWAN network. MyThings API for IP devices will be added in a later stage. For customers used to work with EnCo’s Sensor-as-a-Service APIs, MyThings APIs offer many additional features, such as:
- Support of both ABP (Activation By Personalization) and OTAA (Over The Air Activation)
- Payload decoding for a large set of professional devices, including brands such as Adeunis, Ascoel, eWattch, ITalks, GlobalStat, Multitel, Sagemcom and many more
- Support for downlink messages
- Ability to query historical data from your devices
- Ability to provision and deprovision devices
As of now, MyThings APIs are only accessible to Proximus MyThings customers. Once registered on the Proximus EnCo platform, these customers will be allowed to link their Proximus MyThings account by selecting the “Existing MyThings” plan.

MyThings API and EnCo CloudEngine
The MyThings APIs are not yet integrated with the EnCo CloudEngine. Therefore, the LoRa inbound endpoint in CloudEngine still refers to the Sensor-as-a-Service asset (SEaaS). MyThings APIs integration with CloE is in the works, and expected to become available in a few weeks. MyThings API customers willing to leverage the CloudEngine can create and activate a Stream in MyThings to forward their devices’ messages to a CloudEngine HTTP inbound endpoint. Using CloudEngine, MyThings customers can leverage its data transformation capabilities as well as standard endpoints to forward data to MS Azure, SAP IoT Cloud Platform, MQTT, HTTP or SMS.
Migrating from SEaaS to MyThings APIs
EnCo Sensor-as-a-Service customers with a valid “Premium Plan” subscription and with an urgent need to leverage the new MyThings APIs (ie. need for OTAA and/or downlink messages support) may request for their SEaaS subscription to be migrated to MyThings. Please note that as a result of this migration:
- your SEaaS subscription will be terminated;
- your SEaaS IP devices, if any, cannot be migrated and will be lost
EnCo SEaaS customers with a Premium Plan subscription willing to be migrated now may send their request to Kindly include in your mail your full coordinates, your EnCo userid and the names/device IDs of the SEaaS LoRa devices you wish to be migrated. You will be contacted by a Proximus Sales Representative who will guide you through the migration processes.
All SEaaS customers who do not wish to be migrated now can continue to use the SEaaS offering. It can be expected that all SEaaS customers will be migrated to MyThings APIs in the future, although no date has been defined yet. When this time comes, customers will be contacted and migration guidance will be provided.
MyThings APIs and EnCo billing
Please note that usage of MyThings APIs and EnCo assets (such as SMS for instance) will be billed separately and result in separate invoices. Usage of MyThings provisioning, status and downlink APIs is included in your MyThings plan, with the exception of query APIs resulting in additional usage rating. Check the “Plans & Pricing” tab of MyThings APIs on EnCo’s Marketplace for additional info.