Companies want to protect their employees from burnout situations, but they also want to serve their customers in the best possible way. Find out how the Proximus NextGen voicemail can help you achieve this, while even strengthening your commercial and employer brand!
Proximus NextGen Voicemail is a highly visible way of showing that you care about both your customers and employees:
- take care of your callers while your employees can’t: implement a company standard voicemail message, which can include references to 24/7 customer service and escalation numbers, up to full-blown voice bots.
- supporting an advanced out-of-office feature, using a predefined message with the option to assign a backup and forward professional messages, or use custom, temporary greetings
- combine professional and personal voicemail greetings, based on time-of-day or even the caller’s number (family & friends), while keeping this personal data outside the employer’s systems.

From a commercial and employer branding perspective, NextGen voicemail allows to integrate company brand elements (custom jingles/taglines), as well as temporary messages to announce corporate events or career opportunities, and even the possibility to send an SMS with a link to more information.

For the user, the NextGen Voicemail makes sure to never miss a voicemail again, combining SMS and email notifications. On top of that, we provide more user convenience, with message transcription, and graphical user interfaces for consulting and managing your voicemail

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